EEE-Ultra Shine from U-Beaut is a cut and polish paste wax containing Tripoli powder, an ultra fine abrasive.
This polish is designed to be used in conjunction with Shellawax Cream & liquid or as a finish in its own right on plastics and some stone. It can also be ised by French polishers after polishing and restorers to cut & polish old polished surfaces.
Many other finishes will also be greatly enhanced by using EEE-Ultra Shine to finish the finish! These include Organ oil, Danish oil, polyurethane, notricellulose lacquer, French polish, spirit varnish, spa varnish etc.
EEE-Ultra Shine has the unique ability of breaking down the grit size as you use it, however instead of becoming blunt like most other abrasives, it continues to cut which takes your finish to a higher and higher shine as you continue to work.
For woodturners, it also has the ability of removing sanding marks from most timbers and can greatly reduce your sanding time whilst giving you a far better finished surface that you have ever had before. A blemish free surface, pre-polished and ready to apply your finish to.
If you sand to 240 grit, then use EEE, it will give you about the equivalent of sanding with 2000+ grit or more! The higher grit abrasive paper you use before using EEE, the better your finish will be. If you sand to 1220-1500 grit, then using EEE will give you the equivalent of sanding up to somewhere between 20000-30000 grit depending on the material you are working on and the length of time you are prepared to put in to the application!
In pretty much all cases, what you will be left with is a surface that shows no sanding marks and is ready to have Shellawax or Shellawax Cream applied to it as a final finish which is guaranteed to knock your socks off!